Mira Kallio-Tavin
Dr. Mira Kallio-Tavin works as a senior university lecturer of international art education at Aalto University. She has worked as an art educator in all levels of schooling since 1997. In her current position (since 2007) she has introduced and employed international approaches to Finnish art education.
Kallio-Tavin has developed arts-based research methodology within social context and in relation to the questions of dialogue, community, ethics and philosophy of education. She is the chair of the Finnish InSEA (International Society for Education through Art), and the chair of Nordic and Baltic art education network EDDA, and the chair of the international masters’ program Nordic Visual studies and Art education, NoVA. She served for the Finnish Ministry of Education during the school curricula revision 2014.
Her research area focuses on questions of diversity, social justice disability studies, and design education and on the relationship of education and gaming. In an international Visual Culture Learning Communities (VCLC) research group, she has been looking at young people non/informal visual activities outside of schools, and researched especially youth peer learning methods. In her publications, she has also discussed Nordic art education curricula, representation of people with disabilities in contemporary art, and troubled the politics of community-arts-based projects and the knot of ethics, politics and pedagogy.