The First Annual Juha Varto Endowed Lecture for Research in Visual Art, Philosophy and Pedagogy on 9.4.2018
23.03.2018 //Blogi //Tapahtuma //Tutkimus
The First Annual Juha Varto Endowed Lecture for Research in Visual Art, Philosophy and Pedagogy featuring Dr. Alphonso Lingis, professor of philosophy emeritus at the Pennsylvania State University.
The lecture is titled:
”How Artworks Work
A phenomenological account of the powers contained in artworks. What these powers do to the environment and what they do to us.”
9th of April 2018, 16:30
Lumituuli auditorium, Dipoli (Otakaari 24, Espoo)
Alphonso Lingis is professor of philosophy emeritus at the Pennsylvania State University. His talk will be the First Annual Juha Varto Distinguished Invited Lecture for Research in Visual Art, Philosophy and Pedagogy. By this speaker series the study program of Art Education honors professor Juha Varto and his many contributions to research in Finland, and around the world.
Alphonso Lingis (born 1933) is an American philosopher, writer and translator, currently Professor Emeritus of Philosophy at Pennsylvania State University. His areas of specialization include phenomenology, existentialism, modern philosophy, and ethics. Among his books are Excesses: Eros and Culture (1984), The Community of Those Who Have Nothing in Common (1994), Abuses (1994), Foreign Bodies (1994), Dangerous Emotions (1999), Trust (2003), The First Person Singular (2007), Contact (2010), and Violence and Splendor (2011).
The Juha Varto Endowed Lecture for Research in Visual Art, Philosophy and Pedagogy will continue to annually bring in an outstanding scholar, who shares in this tradition to the Aalto campus, for a public lecture and creative exchanges with students and faculty. The scholar will be chosen by a committee of researchers from the Department of Art and will be internationally recognized for cutting-edge research on topics in the fields of Visual Art, Philosophy, and Peadgogy. The Lecture Series will be held once a year, in spring, beginning in spring 2018, sponsored by the Department of Art, in Aalto School of Arts, Design and Architecture.
#Juha Varto #Pedagogy #philosophy #research #visual art
Juha Varto Distinguished Invited Lecture Series for Research in Visual Art, Philosophy and Education
29.11.2017 //Blogi //Tapahtuma //Tutkimus
(scroll down for English)
Viime kesänä eläkkeelle siirtyneen Aalto-professori Juha Varton juhlaseminaarissa Taiteen laitoksen johtaja Kevin Tavin ilmoitti Varton nimeä kantavan luentosarjan perustamisesta Aalto-yliopistolle. Kuvataidekasvatuksen koulutusohjelma haluaa näin kunnioittaa Juha Varton työtä ja tutkimusta Suomessa sja muualla maailmassa. Luentosarja kutsuu joka vuosi Aalto kampukselle ansioituneen tutkijan, jonka työ jatkaa koulutusohjelman tutkimusperinteitä. Vierailu koostuu avoimesta luennosta sekä monimuotoisesta vuorovaikutuksesta opiskelijoiden ja henkilökunnan kanssa.
Taiteen laitoksen tutkijoiden muodostama komitea valitsee vierailijan, joka on kansainvälisesti tunnistettu uraauurtavasta tutkimuksestaaan visuaalisen taiteen, filosofian ja kasvatuksen alueella. Kaiken kaikkiaan tämän vuotuisen luentosarjan myötä henkilökunta, opiskelijat ja koko Aalto-yhteisö pääsevät osallistumaan kriittiseen akateemiseen keskusteluun, uuteen ajatteluun sekä toiminnalliseen, kokeellisiin ja performatiivisiin työtapoihin, joissa taide ymmärretään tutkimuksena ja kriittisenä tiedon muodostuksena.
Luentosarja toteutuu kerran vuodessa keväisin alkaen ensi vuonna 2018 ja sen järjestää Taiteen laitos Aalto-yliopiston Taiteiden ja suunnittelun korkeakoulussa.
Ensimmäisen tapahtuman aika ja paikka päivitetään tälle sivulle pian!
Taneli Tuovinen
Juha Varto speaker series committee
The intent of the program is to honor professor Juha Varto and his many contributions to research in Finland, and around the world. The series will
bring in an outstanding scholar who shares in this tradition to the Aalto campus, for a public lecture and creative exchanges with students and
faculty. The scholar will be chosen by a committee of researchers from the Department of Art and will be internationally recognized for cutting-edge research on topics in the fields of Visual Art, Philosophy, and Education.
Throughout this lecture series, faculty, students, and all of the Aalto community will be engaged with critical academic discourse, experimental thinking, and hands-on, embodied, and performative methods, and different ways that art is research and is researched for knowledge building.
The Lecture Series will be held once a year, in spring, beginning in spring 2018, sponsored by the Department of Art, in Aalto School of Arts, Design and Architecture.
The time and place of the first lecture is updated to this page soon!
Taneli Tuovinen
Juha Varto speaker series committee
#research #tutkimus #Varto #visual art