Artistic Interventions – Exhibition program of InSEA 2018

Artistic Interventions – Exhibition program of InSEA 2018
Hana Svobodová: Abandoned house. From the series From subject to object
(Dark Days, White Nights)

Artistic Interventions
Exhibition program of InSEA 2018
18–21 June 2018
Aalto University Otaniemi Campus
(beta SPACE, Dipoli, Learning Centre, Undergraduate Centre Y & U Wing)

Collective vernissage on Monday 18 June 2018 19.00-21.00
Starting jointly from beta SPACE
Otakaari 1 X, Espoo

Artistic Interventions, the exhibition program of InSEA 2018, consists of the curated exhibition for the InSEA congress, Dark Days, White Nights, and of artistic contributions from children and young people, from graduate students in art education and art and design, and from other artists and scholars around Finland.

The exhibitions approach the congress themes and the essence of intervention from artistic perspectives. Dark Days, White Nights gathers together an international range of artists and discusses the very specific natural conditions of the arctic area, as well as the broader transformation in our culturally changing world. The other exhibitions are a review of the Finnish art education scene by discussing social and communal norms and power structures, the interconnectedness and multilayeredness of the reality, and the thoughts and paths taken by today’s youth. The program presents five exhibitions in total that take place in various locations at Aalto University Otaniemi Campus.

Alongside the actual exhibition program of InSEA 2018, different art interventions will take place throughout the congress week in various shapes and forms. Keep your eye out for interactive virtual reality photographs (University of Helsinki, beta SPACE Lobby), a video art screening (Aalto University, Learning Centre Tori) and performances, among many other things!

All the information regarding the art program of InSEA 2018 can also be found online.


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